Heres my project. I just need to glue everything down, but other then that its about done.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Artifact collection PART 2
.::Carbohydrate Fibrous::.
Carbohydrates are made up of mostly cellulose. They help move starch through the body, along with that, they allow the body to extract their nutritional elemnts. This picture shows a cucumber as an example of that
.::Herbaceous Stem::.
Herbaceous Stems are stems that have little or no woody tissue. (Typically greenish) As shown on the stem on and around this flower.
.::Thorn of a plant::.
The thorn of a plant are the sharp prickles on the stem of some plants. This photo of a rose shows the prickles running down the stem.
Cambium is a layer of material in a plant or tree that is responsible for dividing cells that make sure there is growth for the plant. This photo of a tree trunk show an example of the layer of material.
Phloem is a pipepline tissue structure that carries water and food from the roots of the plant to the leaves. This tree shows a good example of phloem because the structure starts from the roots of the tree to the very top leaves.
Xylem is a pipeline tissue that carries water and minerals from the roots of the plant to the leaves. This tree, like in phloem, shows a good example of xylem because the structure starts from the roots of the tree to the very top leaves.
Arthropods are invertebrates with external skeletons, segmented bodies, and jointed appendages. This spider shows an example of all three features.
.::Vascular Plant Tissue::.
This plant tissue consists of both the Phloem and Xylem. The two pipelines run close by from the roots to leaves. It provides channels to transport water and nutrients. Again, like both phloem and xylem, this tree shows an example of the roots to leaves of the tree.
.::Radical Symmetry::.
Radical symmetry is symmetry in which something can be divided into two identical halves by a line passing through a centeral point of axis of any angle. This dandilion shows an example of radical symmetry because of its symetrical structure.
Lepidoptera is a classified catagory for insects catagorized by wings with overtapping scales.
This butterfly shows an example of the structures used to catagorize.
An exoskeleton is an external skeleton that supports and protects the body of some animals/insects. This roach shows an example because of its exoskeleton structure.
.::Epithelial Tissue::.
Epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body. This tissue is made up of cells closely packed together in one or more layer. An example i used is the human arm because it is covered in skin, which is what epithelial tissue is; a layer of tissue (cells closely packed).
Insects are creatures with three pairs of legs, a body segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen. Which i represented through a roach.
Cellulose is an organic compound which consists of multiple chains of glucose molecules strung together. This organic compound is found in most paper, which is what i used to represent it with.
Endosperms are nutrious seeds found in the seeds of flowering plants. An example of an endosperm is this portion of corn.
.::Amniotic Egg::.
This kind of egg is produced by reptiles, birds, and such. The embryo developes inside an amnion.
Amylase is an enxyme that breaks starch down into sugar. (Saliva) The digestion process starts there. Foods that contain a lot of starch but little sugar taste slightly sweet as chewed because amylase turns some of the starch into sugar in the mouth. To represent amylase i have taken a picture of tha human mouth to show where saliva is found and where the taste changes due to the breaking down from the enzyme.
An animal whos body temprature does not change with its surrounding environment. Which i used to represent through the human body, because our body temprature remains constant.
Animals who's body temprature varries with the temprature of its surroundings, and do not produce much internal heat. Which i used to represent with these fish. (Ms.Washington, at the time I saw this I didn't have my little object with me, but I did take this picture on my phone.)
Commensalisim is a symbiotic relationship where one organisim benefits and the other is neither harmed nor benefited. To represent this relationship I used a squirrel in a tree. This shows commensalisim because the squirrel gets shelter from the tree and also may get food, nuts and such. Nothin happens to the tree though.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Artifact Collection PART 1.
.::Flower Ovary::.The ovary of a flower is part of the female reproductive organ. It is usually located above/below/center of connection with the base of the petals. This flower shows a close up.
.::Gymnosperm Cone::.
The exact definition is considered to be a "naked seed." Basically saying that they do not produce flowers. Which in this photo is represented through the pine cone.
Keratin is an extremely strong protien that is found majorly in skin, hair and nails. This photo represents that by showing a close up of the human hand, which ofcourse includes both skin and nails.
Pollen are grains produced from plants and come in a microscopic/round shape. The are a big part of reproduction. This flower shows pollen, which is the part above the petals in the center.
.::Mutualisim::.Mutualisim is a symbiotic relationship where both organisims in the relationship benefit. I used a photo of a butterfly on a flower to represent this. The flower benefits by getting pollen spreaded from flower to flower by the butterfly. The butterfly gets food from the flower. Therefore it is a mutual benefit.
A pollinator is an animal that helps pollinate plants. In this photo my example is a butterfly on a flower. When the butterfly comes to a flower to get its food, they end up getting sticky pollen on them. They then go to another flower, so the pollen ends up on the new flower, and so on.
.::Anther&Filament of a stem::.
The stamen is the male reproduction part of a flower. The anther is the tip of it, as circled in my picture. That is where pollen grains develope. The stem like part is the filament. Also circled in my picture. It acts like a support for the anther.
The carple is the female part of a flower. It is shaped like a stalk. The tip is called the stigma, and it traps pollen grains. Below it is the style, which holds up the stigma tip. Both are circled in my photo.
A more sturdy type of stem, made obviously of wood looking structure. In this photo it is seen that the stem holding up the flower is woody, and not green.
.::Deciduous Leaf::.
Leaves that drop from trees, usually in the fall. Deciduous comes from the latin for "to fall." Which is the reason for its name. This photo shows a fallen leaf.
.::Cuticle Layer of a plant::.
The cuticle layer of a plant is the really waxyish shiny layer. It prevents water loss for the plant.
This photo shows a clear view of the top waxy layer.
The actual definition of animal adaptation is the special characteristics that enable an animal to be sucessful in a particular environment. This photo shows a squirrel by a tree. Squirrels are adapted to this environment because of their teeth and ability to climb trees.
.::Fleshy Fruit with seeds::.
A fleshy fruit with seeds is said to have a soft pulpy wall on it. Which is represented through a photo of a straberry because it is both fleshy, and has seeds on it.
.::Fibrous proteins::.
Fibrous proteins are strong proteins that play a structural role in organisims for support and protection. An example of this is keratin which can both be represented through hair and nails because they contain such proteins.
Angiosperms are flowering plants. In this photo i used a tomatoe to represent it because they produce fruit that develope from a flower.
Archaebacteria is a type of bacteria that is found in extremely hot environments. I took a photo of boiling water to represent this because typically archebacteria would be found there because of the crazy heat.
.::Conifer Leaf::.
Somewhat like a pine tree. The leafs are like needles as shown in this photo.
Ethylene is a colorless flamable gas that is used as a source of many organic compounds in welding, cutting metal, and to color citrus fruits. I hve represented this through the "color citrus fruit" part, which is shown in this apple.
An autotroph is an organisim that creats its own food, which I reperesented through a photo of a flower because they get their energy from the sun.
Bryophytes are groups of small green land dwelling plants. This is a photo of the bottom of a tree trunk which as noticed, has moss on the bottom. The moss is being used to represent bryophtes.
.::Flower Ovary::.The ovary of a flower is part of the female reproductive organ. It is usually located above/below/center of connection with the base of the petals. This flower shows a close up.
.::Gymnosperm Cone::.
The exact definition is considered to be a "naked seed." Basically saying that they do not produce flowers. Which in this photo is represented through the pine cone.
Keratin is an extremely strong protien that is found majorly in skin, hair and nails. This photo represents that by showing a close up of the human hand, which ofcourse includes both skin and nails.
Pollen are grains produced from plants and come in a microscopic/round shape. The are a big part of reproduction. This flower shows pollen, which is the part above the petals in the center.
.::Mutualisim::.Mutualisim is a symbiotic relationship where both organisims in the relationship benefit. I used a photo of a butterfly on a flower to represent this. The flower benefits by getting pollen spreaded from flower to flower by the butterfly. The butterfly gets food from the flower. Therefore it is a mutual benefit.
A pollinator is an animal that helps pollinate plants. In this photo my example is a butterfly on a flower. When the butterfly comes to a flower to get its food, they end up getting sticky pollen on them. They then go to another flower, so the pollen ends up on the new flower, and so on.
.::Anther&Filament of a stem::.
The stamen is the male reproduction part of a flower. The anther is the tip of it, as circled in my picture. That is where pollen grains develope. The stem like part is the filament. Also circled in my picture. It acts like a support for the anther.
.::Stigma&style of carple::.
The carple is the female part of a flower. It is shaped like a stalk. The tip is called the stigma, and it traps pollen grains. Below it is the style, which holds up the stigma tip. Both are circled in my photo.

A more sturdy type of stem, made obviously of wood looking structure. In this photo it is seen that the stem holding up the flower is woody, and not green.
.::Deciduous Leaf::.
Leaves that drop from trees, usually in the fall. Deciduous comes from the latin for "to fall." Which is the reason for its name. This photo shows a fallen leaf.
.::Cuticle Layer of a plant::.
The cuticle layer of a plant is the really waxyish shiny layer. It prevents water loss for the plant.
This photo shows a clear view of the top waxy layer.
.::Adaptation of a plant::.
The actual definition of animal adaptation is the special characteristics that enable an animal to be sucessful in a particular environment. This photo shows a squirrel by a tree. Squirrels are adapted to this environment because of their teeth and ability to climb trees.
.::Fleshy Fruit with seeds::.
A fleshy fruit with seeds is said to have a soft pulpy wall on it. Which is represented through a photo of a straberry because it is both fleshy, and has seeds on it.
.::Fibrous proteins::.
Fibrous proteins are strong proteins that play a structural role in organisims for support and protection. An example of this is keratin which can both be represented through hair and nails because they contain such proteins.
Angiosperms are flowering plants. In this photo i used a tomatoe to represent it because they produce fruit that develope from a flower.
Archaebacteria is a type of bacteria that is found in extremely hot environments. I took a photo of boiling water to represent this because typically archebacteria would be found there because of the crazy heat.
Somewhat like a pine tree. The leafs are like needles as shown in this photo.
Ethylene is a colorless flamable gas that is used as a source of many organic compounds in welding, cutting metal, and to color citrus fruits. I hve represented this through the "color citrus fruit" part, which is shown in this apple.
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